You can easily browse more of my posepacks in my gallery. DOWNLOAD HERE or DIRECT LINK HERE (CURSEFORGE)

You may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please don’t pass them off as your own work. TOU: please don’t paywall or claim as your own. These are pretty gender neutral, but as always there may be clipping depending on body type and clothing. Simply place three teleporters on top of each other. Pack contains 1 couple pose and 5 trio poses. So if you also have a sickly, self-sacrificing spellcaster who finally accepts that he can’t save everyone, much to his partner’s relief, then you’re in luck! 😀😂 There is so much trendy furniture that we really want in The Sims 4 but often the sims team doesn’t give it to use, this desk chair is absolutely something you’d see on Pinterest and desperately want for your office set up. I share them because it was niche stuff like this that was soooo useful to me when back when I first started storytelling! Back with another weirdly specific posepack, because most of the poses I make these days are for myself.